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Wednesday 19 February 2020

The Messenger - Unit III

The long-awaited independence is completed

Friday 22/07/1831 (Brussels)

It has been more than a dozen years, but we can finally say it. The process of our country’s independence is finally complete.

Belgium has been unified to Holland since the rest of Europe decided it in the Congress of Vienna, but they didn't think about our differences. Most of people who were literate or had an important position in the army were in the north in Holland’s territory. In addition, their language, customs and religion were imposed on us by the government. Discontent run through our streets since this trait was considered unfair by many belgians.

Belgium Revolts
Since the July 27 revolutions in Paris last year, the people have been rising up, loots and attempts to get the power such us riots have been going on since then. This is something that led our previous king, Frederick, to send his military army fight against the people in revolt. After that, Belgium celebrated a constituent assembly and started to be considered as a free state by France and Great Britain.

In February this assembly agreed on a constitution for this new state, determining a model of government for a parliamentary monarchy, something that came with another problem, who should occupy the position of monarch? There have been several candidates for the throne, but they’ve all been rejected, most of them to avoid problems with France and Great Britain. All but one, Leopold of Saxony-Coburg, Prince of a German Duchy and widower of princess Charlotte of England.  

Leopold I, King of Belgium
Leopold I, born 40 years ago in the Holy
Roman Empire, was made colonel when
he was just 6 years old and general at the
age of 12 in Russia. He was contacted by
Napoleon himself to be his assistant,

which he refused and went back to Russia
to fight under Alejandro I’s orders against
   Napoleonic EmpireHis skills and abilities
allowed him to become a marshal, the highest
place in the army, with just 25 years. His impeccable
career has attracted the attention of many countries,
Peru and Greece asked him to be their king, but he
refused their proposals. He only accepted when he
was requested to be the new Belgium’s king. 

Since yesterday, we’ve got a new capable ruler of a new free state, and Britain has assured protection in exchange of king’s impartiality. In short, this new situation will yield Belgium the chance to be at the forefront of the industrial countries.


  1. Several things to change, I´m afraid...

    1. The article results confuse and not very well organized. Contents and links are good, but the paper version is not good. Your mark is 7,5

  2. I understand the article but , I still don't know , why did Belgium want the independence?

    1. Maybe you have to read ir again or investigate a little...

  3. I liked the news, only that there are parts that I do not understand, for example the riots in Paris, the videos have helped me, especially the lord of the first video,good!
    Sofia Martinez

  4. It is not bad at all, although there have been some things that have not been clear to me and I have not understood. The video helped me a lot to understand things better so it was a good decision to choose that video
    Ruth González

    1. Ruth!! Good comment but: be careful with your grammar...

  5. I have like so much this article because, in summary, I could more or less understand what happened, but I think that maybe there are some problems on writing because, in my opinion, some parts are a bit confusing. But, except for that, I think that this is a quality news and some things as the last video and specially the first one have helped me a lot in understanding, as well as I have liked very much the closing of the article, so well done!!!

    Daniel Morán

  6. It's a good new. You have written it in a way that gives us a clear idea of how the people must felt during that situation.The videos are also good although my favorite was the first one. GOOD JOB!!

  7. The information seems to be fine, but some sections of the text I don't understand very well there is also an error at the beginning "dozen"
    The links are fine and the video has helped me understand everything. :)

    Lucía González 4ºA

    1. The information seems to be fine, but some sections of the text I don't understand very well, the links are fine and the video has helped me to undersand everything.
      Sorry because the word was well written. :(

      Lucía González 4ºA

    2. What I've noticed most about the news are these two things:
      1- I think it's also unfair that when they became independent they didn't think about the differences and imposed their culture.
      2- I think Leopold of Saxony-Coburg is my new idol because I find everything he achieved incredible. Even Peru and Greece asked him to be their king! Never seen before! From the link what has caught my attention the most is the amount of brothers he had and that all except two, it seems that they were very pointed characters. I don't know why I liked the fact that more than one of them had illegitimate children and it says: "no problem"
      From the first video what was clear to me was that the Belgians were inspired by the French revolution of 1830. From the second video what I liked most was the music and the map next to it because that's how I found out very well. And in the last one I had to put subtitles because I was speaking very fast. I also liked the idea of putting a link to a news item made earlier. Great job, I think it was the news I liked the most so far.


  8. It has been good news,but I think it could be improved, I think that in some parts it has not been clear enough.

    Javier Gonzalez

    1. The thing that is not clear is you to have read the text , in fact...

  9. Its a bit long and its heavy to read, but the video explains it good

    Edgar Miguelez
