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Wednesday 30 January 2019

The 4 Enlighteners Unit 1-2

Do you really know Napoleon?

Today is the 2nd December 1804 and the coronation of the famous military leader, Napoleon Bonaparte is going to take place at the cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris. The ceremony will be held by Pope Pio VII,who has been travelling from Italy for 3 weeks to attend this succesful celebration. Lot of prestigious nobles and wellknown people are invited to the event. Along his walk, Napoleon has been climbing up through the Directory and the Consulate. It looks like Napoleon is trying to reaffirm himself as the head of the country.

But, do we really know our future emperor? Below, we give a more earthly point of view about him.

Napoleon, also known as Nabulio, was a brilliant student who accepted the challenge of becoming a military soldier. Although he faces powerful armies his biggest fear is cats, but it isn´t his only fear: he hates looking at open doors. Between his hobbies we can find the yoyo and the chess. He thinks sleeping is for weak people and he always carries with him a bottle of poison in case he gets captured in a battle.

Now we know the truth and the facts, we can find the character of Napoleon and how megalomany is affecting him.

Is he the emperor we want to represent our country?

Liberal News - Unit 1-2

Joseph I new king of Spain

The past 6th of June, Joseph Bonaparte was proclaimed king of Spain.

Joseph I Bonaparte, the older brother of the emperor Napoleon Bonaparte of France and the former King of Naples become king of Spain after been proclaimed by his brother in the abdications of Bayonne.

Napoleon obtained the Spanish permission to cross the country to invade Portugal. Also his intention was to invade Spain.

In the Revolt of Aranjuez, the Royal Family tried to escape from Madrid. Napoleon forced Carlos IV and Fernando VII to abdicate in favour of him and made his brother king of Spain.

Joseph imposed a Constitution with enlightened reforms such as liberty and equality for all citizens.

Resultado de imagen de pepe botella king
Joseph I of Spain

The king granted us an interview and we asked him about his political ideas and he told us that we wanted to establish a constitutional monarchy in Spain, we wanted to impose a new constitution based on:
  • The separation of powers.
  • Removal of internal customs. 
  • Inviolability of the address. 
  • Personal freedom. 
  • Rights of the detainee and prisoner. 
  • Abolition of torment (related to physical and moral integrity).

The citizens are unhappy with the new king because he is French and they have started to stir up and to put him derogatory nicknames such as "Pepe Botella".Since rumors that Joseph I is alcoholic are appearing. The people also put him "Plazuelas", because he want to create well-known public spaces.

Sunday 27 January 2019


Well, this year we started work late for reasons that do not matter, but we are already working with a new group of 4th ESO in the 2nd edition of the IES Ornia´s Historical Newspaper.

I want to take the opportunity to remember the news of the conclusion of the last course´s project, with the printed edition and the visit to the facilities of Diario de León.

The rotaries are underway and soon we will be able to enjoy the new historical news !!! Be patient!


Bueno, este año empezamos el trabajo tarde por causas que no tienen importancia, pero ya estamos trabajando con un nuevo grupo de 4º de ESO en la 2ª edición del Historical Newspaper del IES Ornia.

Quiero aprovechar la oportunidad para recordar la noticia de la conclusión del proyecto del curso pasado, con la edición impresa y la visita a las instalaciones del Diario de León.

Los rotativos están en marcha y pronto podremos disfrutar de las nuevas noticias históricas!!! Tened paciencia!


El ‘Historical Newspaper’ se pasa al papel

El IES Ornia de La Bañeza imprime uno de los diarios elaborados por el alumnado de 4º C de ESO bilingüe.

El alumnado de 4ºC de ESO del IES Ornia en su visita a Diario de León. RAMIRO -
El alumnado de 4ºC de ESO del IES Ornia en su visita a Diario de León. RAMIRO.
En los tiempos en los que el papel, periódico, está amenazado de muerte, va un instituto leonés, bañezano para más señas, y apuesta por el periodismo impreso. Y no sólo porque allí se lea el Diario de León o porque el alumnado de 4º C de ESO bilingüe visitara sus instalaciones hace unos días. Sobre todo porque este curso del IES Ornia puso el broche de oro a su proyecto de aprendizaje de la Historia a través de un periódico en el que han relatado acontecimientos como la teoría de la gravedad, la liberación de París en 1944 o la muerte del fascista Mussolini en forma de noticias. El centro educativo consideró que era una buena manera de cerrar el proyecto de The Historical Newspaper Project, que tanta repercusión ha tenido incluso a nivel nacional, llevando a cabo una edición impresa del mismo.
El profesor de la asignatura, Óscar González García, explica en el editorial que se planteó el proyecto de crear un periódico histórico con el alumnado como una forma de «salir de la rutina de la clase de Historia».
Sus alumnos y alumnas se quedaron perplejos, pero luego la sorpresa se la llevó el profesor: «Respondieron a la perfección poniéndose en el papel de reporteros históricos que no dejaron de sorprenderme a lo largo de siete entregas de noticias ¡en Inglés!».
El ejemplar impreso se ha confeccionado además con un ramillete de noticias históricas entre las 35 elaboradas a lo largo del curso. El criterio ha sido que hubiera una noticia por cada unidad didáctica estudiada en clase y al menos una de cada grupo de trabajo.
Se han editado cien ejemplares, que se han repartido entre estudiantes de los cuatro cursos de la sección bilingüe del IES Ornia, profesorado y medios de comunicación. También puede descargarse a través del blog donde se alojan todos los trabajos: http://historicalnewspaper4eso.blogspot.com/.
La clase de Historia abrió las puertas a estos estudiantes a una experiencia única a través de la técnica periodística. El viaje de fin de curso al campo de concentración de Mauthaussen, en Alemania, o la visita al Archivo Histórico Provincial también han sido grandes lecciones de Historia.

Wednesday 23 January 2019







This episode of terror we are living started with the murder of a single person: Jean Paul Marat, who you all probably know as "people´s friend". He has been one of the most prominent intellectuals of these years as well as a Jacobin.

This act is assigned to Charlotte Of Corday, who supported the Girondins and attributed the terror to the more radical Jacobins, in this case, Marat.
Jaques-Louis David
Marat´s murder

She travelled to Paris with the only purpose of killing him. She went to his house and cheated Marat and his housekeeper with the excuse of giving him a list of people who were against the revolutionaries. And when Charlotte went in, she stabbed him to death there, in his own house. 

By his death, a new religion has been created ( Cult of reason ), which is lead by Maximilien Roberspierre. After this, he guides the Jacobins following Rousseau´s ideas, fighting against absolutism monarchy and defending the direct universal manhood suffrage. He has always defended the abolitionism of the death penalty, but it seems to change as he has order the death of so many people in order to end with the absolutism past no justifying the reason. Nowadays, the number of deaths has overcome the  terrible amount of 16.000!

The Militia Unit 1-2

Could our King have been a bastard?

The gossips of our death king.

After the recently death of our king Louis XIV -due to an injury he had in the leg- (last 1st September 1715), some facts have come to light. Today we are going to tell you how his live was, what he achieved and what the most important acts of his life were.

Louis XIV was born on 5th September 1638 in St Germain in Laye. He became king at the age of four after the death of his father Louis XIII. While Louis was a child, his mother Anne of Austria served as regent, assisted by Louis XIII's first minister Cardinal Mazarin.

During his reign several crises took place in our kingdom (economic, social, political...) due to his luxuries, wars...etc. 


He married Maria Teresa of Spain and they had 6 children, although he was having other 14 lovers and approximately 17 children of who  just 8 were recognized as legitimates. Between his lovers we have to highlight his sister-in-law Enriqueta Ana Estuardo, because his brother Philippe I d'Orleans was homosexual he did not give enough love to Enriqueta.
Madame de Maintenon was another lover who was  Louis' sons governess in Versailles. She married with Louis after Maria Teresa's death in 1683, and she took care of Louis' sons had  with Madame of Montespan .

              Philippe I d'Orleans                                                                      Enriqueta Ana Estuardo

In fact living in Versailles was a continous party, there were 3 festivities each week.
Louis stayed at night with his wife Maria Teresa of Spain, but during the night he scaped trhough the windows to his lovers´rooms. During the reign of Louis several things happened in Versailles.